...os últimos trabalhos fotográficos de Joanna Kane de Edinburgh reconfiguram de novo o trabalho da ciência-da tecnologia-da maquilhagem da morte-reconstruindo a questão da vida.
Retratos pouco convencionais entre o respirar e a captura da imagem que corta a respiração:
"The Somnambulists" invocam ainda as faces/rostos/máscaras de Keats, Blake, Wordsworth and Coleridge...e pertencem à Sociedade de Frenologia (proto-ciência - a estrutura do crâneo e a fisionomia do cérebro determinariam o carácter da pessoa) de Edimburgo...só para os que o utilizam claro...
J. K. junta a este este trabalho também muita pele-textura-neural-nimbo-atravessando a linha de sombra-cor de chumbo-então o medo de regressar à solidão-mais medo que a morte-o sonho-o cadáver reinventado-o umbral onde a claridade é mais concreta...
From Kane’s introduction to The Somnambulists:
“The life or death mask can be considered the sculptural analogue of the photographic portrait. Both suggest direct traces from life, involve positive and negative, and evoke a mysterious connection between living, breathing subject and captured image…
In creating the portraits, the aim has been to take these subjects out of the categories and hierarchies of the phrenological collection. My interest has been in transforming them from disembodied scientific specimens into photographically embodied images of individual men and women.”
“The life or death mask can be considered the sculptural analogue of the photographic portrait. Both suggest direct traces from life, involve positive and negative, and evoke a mysterious connection between living, breathing subject and captured image…
In creating the portraits, the aim has been to take these subjects out of the categories and hierarchies of the phrenological collection. My interest has been in transforming them from disembodied scientific specimens into photographically embodied images of individual men and women.”
3 comentários:
Já andei a bisbilhotar. Fascinante. Thanks!
Ora essa!!!
bem vindo de novo!
Ora essa!!!
bem vindo de novo!
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