Pela T. Eça:
“Queria dizer que a Espanha está muito activa na ed. artistica, o congresso de Barcelona será em Novembro 2007 e o de Valência também está para breve. (…)
Bem e por cá, por Portugal prepara-se a Conferência Nacional de Educação Artística nos moldes da Unesco. Uma co-produção entre o Ministério da Educação e o Ministério da Cultura para ser em Outubro de 2007 na casa da Música do Porto, parece que se pretende mostrar boas práticas sobretudo práticas de projectos educativos em parceria.
Sexta feira temos o congresso de Évora, o grupo do Neeca ( centro de investigação em educação pela arte liderado pela Lúcilia), lá estará para pensar no que andamos a fazer neste país cheio de contradições.
No Brasil também estão a acontecer muitos congressos sobre educação e sobre arte educação. Em Agosto será feito o congresso Latino Americano da Insea com língua oficial: Espanhol e Português (no mesmo Mês em que decorre o congresso Asiático da Insea).
Quem vai a Heidelberg em Julho?”
Bem e por cá, por Portugal prepara-se a Conferência Nacional de Educação Artística nos moldes da Unesco. Uma co-produção entre o Ministério da Educação e o Ministério da Cultura para ser em Outubro de 2007 na casa da Música do Porto, parece que se pretende mostrar boas práticas sobretudo práticas de projectos educativos em parceria.
Sexta feira temos o congresso de Évora, o grupo do Neeca ( centro de investigação em educação pela arte liderado pela Lúcilia), lá estará para pensar no que andamos a fazer neste país cheio de contradições.
No Brasil também estão a acontecer muitos congressos sobre educação e sobre arte educação. Em Agosto será feito o congresso Latino Americano da Insea com língua oficial: Espanhol e Português (no mesmo Mês em que decorre o congresso Asiático da Insea).
Quem vai a Heidelberg em Julho?”
Pelo Aldo: Congresso de Valência - Dezembro 2007

Assunto: International Conference:
"Fine Arts Training Programs and the European Higher Education Area"Importância: Alta
Dear colleagues
From 10th to 14th December (2007), the “20 Years of Erasmus Program” Week will take
place in our University and several activities have been planned.
Due to current situation of study plans in Europe and the implementation of the Bologna Process, as well as to specificities of the Art field and diversity of curricula in each school
(Conservation, Design, Painting, Sculpture…etc), an International Conference focused on ‘Fine Arts Training programs and the European Higher Education Area” has been organized for 11th-13th December (2007).
Bolonia challenge is a complex process with consequences for both students and faculty. Accordingly, this conference is devoted to bring our colleagues and alumni a
better understanding of the implications of the new study plans that will be definitely established in 2008. We intend to provide a forum to discuss questions regarding new
study plans, competences, teaching guides, ECTS...(among others) and to share our valuable experiences in the Art and Heritage Area
We are now working on a preliminary program that combines a plenary with a poster session. The plenary will focus on several key issues
regarding European Higher Education Area and Fine Arts training programs. Invited lectures will include Institutions
(Ministry of Culture and Education, Regional Government and Erasmus Agencies...), Universities as well as Groups and Organizations in the Arts and Culture field.
The poster session (that will also include the publication of the corresponding paper in the preprints book) is devoted to promote our colleagues participation and will highlight the latest educational research. It will also feature innovative teaching strategies, methodological experiences, training innovations and instutional actions to achieve convergence.
We would like to invite you to take part in our conference and encourage you to present a poster regarding the topics of the conference. You will find the registration form attached to this e-mail. Poster guidelines as well as the abstract template are also attached.
We will appreciate very much if you help us circulating this e-mail.
For additional information you can contact us
( congresodocencia@bbaa.upv.es ) or visit our website www.bbaa.upv.es/cotad/congres/cfa2007.html
The important dates are:
- 1st July, 2007; Abstracts submission deadline.
- 9th July, 2007: Acceptance/Rejection notification.
- 7th September, 2007: Final paper DEADLINE (3000 words maximum).
- 11th December, 2007: Posters will be displayed from 8 to 9 a.m. Your poster will be exhibited during the conference.
We look forward to your participation and involvement in this important and challenging conference.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Technical Comittee"
Dear colleagues
From 10th to 14th December (2007), the “20 Years of Erasmus Program” Week will take
place in our University and several activities have been planned.
Due to current situation of study plans in Europe and the implementation of the Bologna Process, as well as to specificities of the Art field and diversity of curricula in each school
(Conservation, Design, Painting, Sculpture…etc), an International Conference focused on ‘Fine Arts Training programs and the European Higher Education Area” has been organized for 11th-13th December (2007).
Bolonia challenge is a complex process with consequences for both students and faculty. Accordingly, this conference is devoted to bring our colleagues and alumni a
better understanding of the implications of the new study plans that will be definitely established in 2008. We intend to provide a forum to discuss questions regarding new
study plans, competences, teaching guides, ECTS...(among others) and to share our valuable experiences in the Art and Heritage Area
We are now working on a preliminary program that combines a plenary with a poster session. The plenary will focus on several key issues
regarding European Higher Education Area and Fine Arts training programs. Invited lectures will include Institutions
(Ministry of Culture and Education, Regional Government and Erasmus Agencies...), Universities as well as Groups and Organizations in the Arts and Culture field.
The poster session (that will also include the publication of the corresponding paper in the preprints book) is devoted to promote our colleagues participation and will highlight the latest educational research. It will also feature innovative teaching strategies, methodological experiences, training innovations and instutional actions to achieve convergence.
We would like to invite you to take part in our conference and encourage you to present a poster regarding the topics of the conference. You will find the registration form attached to this e-mail. Poster guidelines as well as the abstract template are also attached.
We will appreciate very much if you help us circulating this e-mail.
For additional information you can contact us
( congresodocencia@bbaa.upv.es ) or visit our website www.bbaa.upv.es/cotad/congres/cfa2007.html
The important dates are:
- 1st July, 2007; Abstracts submission deadline.
- 9th July, 2007: Acceptance/Rejection notification.
- 7th September, 2007: Final paper DEADLINE (3000 words maximum).
- 11th December, 2007: Posters will be displayed from 8 to 9 a.m. Your poster will be exhibited during the conference.
We look forward to your participation and involvement in this important and challenging conference.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Technical Comittee"
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